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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Faith Based Pandering - Obama To Be Like GW Bush

Above are my insights into Barack Obama's planned initiative to be more like George W Bush and extend the extremely troubled Faith Based Initiative programs funded by the tax dollars through the Federal Government. Here is a quote out of the NY Times
“Now, I know there are some who bristle at the notion that faith has a place in the public square,” Mr. Obama intends to say. “But the fact is, leaders in both parties have recognized the value of a partnership between the White House and faith-based groups.” Mr. Obama is proposing $500 million per year to provide summer learning for 1 million poor children to help close achievement gaps for students. He proposes elevating the program to the “moral center” of his administration, calling it the Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He called for rules to make certain the new council wouldn’t violate the separation of church and state. Groups receiving money, aides said, would have to demonstrate the effectiveness of their programs. End of NYTimes Quote…gncnd.html
Below are transcripts of my podcast recording above. (Note - The transcripts are roughly edited for accuracy. Most VR errors of the type substituting "Barack Obama" with "Morroco Coma" have been fixed, but a few small errors may persist...) Not quite a hundred years ago my great-grandfather learned a lesson about getting money to faith-based organizations he witnessed a priest in the local Catholic church that he and the family attended quite some time stealing money from the poor box and nobody in the church to do anything about it the money was there supposed go to an orphanage run by the church and the priest at the money out and used it for lets say a ulterior reason was for moral reasons I great-grandfather quit Catholic Church and our segment of the family has not been Catholic sense into certain extent that might explain some of my own reluctance in the concept of extending money to faith-based organizations but just like George W. Bush Barrack Obama wants to do just that he wants to give faith-based organizations a half billion dollars in alleged that my great-grandfather learned is that if you give a dollar to a church to give to the poor for basically just lost a dollar if we get a half billion dollars to churches give to the poor and the poor just lost a half billion dollars that they could potentially use and think radical bomb a like George W. Bush is flat-out crazy looking to invest in faith based organizations for one thing the obvious reason it violates the Constitution supposed to have a separation between church and state and when the state starts funding churches you can't really have a separation all sorts of crazy things pop into the equation when churches have to comply with federal laws especially discrimination laws that's just one small aspect of the problem the real problem is that when you give faith-based organizations money corruption enters into the equation substantially especially when that money comes very easily from the US government or any large group and a half billion dollars sent out the faith-based faith-based organizations do the job at federal government doesn't seem to be able to do is just not if Barack Obama can come up with a better solution to solving a problem that the dole it out and something akin to pork barrel spending except this time it's going to a religious group as opposed to a lobbyist which may not be any different and maybe he shouldn't take the money and all these on confident that he has relied on a religious group to get things done and maybe he should've stayed in his church and got some things done to the church as opposed to running for office and personally I don't think churches can get things done terribly well think that they've accomplished a whole lot of good in many of the attempt they've done especially with the George W. Bush back faith based initiatives which brought the bonnet is not only trying to emulate but he's trying to expand is a good thing it's extremely ironic that Barack Obama constantly points to George W. Bush as a person it's been extremely ineffective and without calling them evil achieving evil results through you know the inability to reason through something or the inability to identify a problem for happened yet he's trying to take George W. Bush's initiative of giving money to faith-based initiative groups with little oversight and little controls and regular customers on same basket at the same time this is one of the most troubling things I see in Barack Obama in this way is far too similar to George W. Bush and pandering to religious and religious groups and I do think it's true pandering I don't think that Barack Obama for George W. Bush really give two hoots about religious groups or religion in general and I don't believe any of the crap and I will call it crap that they spout about their religion because in reality it's the actions speak louder than their political words and I don't see either of achieving any results derived from their religious philosophies so if you take a look at this and it supposedly new you know condition of Barack Obama's to accidentally extend George W. Bush's term as relates to faith based initiatives and you remove the fact that religious faith-based groups don't accomplish much to accomplish results that can be measured by the federal government and just look at it for what it is Barack Obama promising to give a half billion dollars from our government from taxpayers from the coffers that don't have the money in them in the first place he looking to simply raise the debt by giving religious groups to half billion dollars to do something that they can do to achieve results they have achieved yet and can achieve and probably to incite them to more corruption it's crazy and stupid and pandering is basically just trying to buy a boat and I don't buy any of it myself, nor smug John McCain by any stretch of the imagination but it's definitely an example of Barack Obama failing before he begins, and maybe setting up the christian left for the same type of fall that the christian right has suffered from over the last seven years. The last thing we need is another time waisting preacher scandal, this time around probably will be some sixty plus preacher that likes to dress up in lingerie while skydiving or something, but whatever it is, our tax dollars shouldn't fund it.
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