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Monday, July 14, 2008

Congress Getting Serious about Bush Impeachment

Just as the Bush Administration was showing some signs of leadership as they prepared to bail out Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the backbone of mortgage lenders around the country, Congress is finally starting to find some of its own Backbone.

It started last week as Dennis Kucinich offered up an abbreviated version of an Impeachment article (he had offered about 35 articles last month), to have the House vote on whether or not the President should be impeached.  It would appear that Kucinich has gained significant political ground and even Nancy Pelosi, who stated after coming to head the House of Representatives in 2006 on the winds of change, that change (post 2006 election) would not include impeachment and that impeachment would be off the table.

Well, she has to run for re-election in 2008, and is finally getting the message that the people of the United States not only want change, but they want accountability for the crimes committed in our name and against us and our Constitution.

Breaking News. This from the desk of Florida Congressman Robert Wexler, one of the co-sponsors of the 35 articles of impeachment introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich:
“Capitol Hill is buzzing today with major developments regarding our campaign for impeachment hearings for President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Just today, in what could be described as a perfect impeachment storm:
"After stating unequivocally that impeachment "is off the table," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated to CBS News today that the House Judiciary Committee should address the issues that Rep. Kucinich's has raised in his impeachment resolution.... This issue now reaches far beyond the substance of the Judiciary Committee's original inquiry regarding the firing of US Attorneys for political purposes. The crisis at hand relates to our most fundamental laws and of our Constitution. It is, in many ways, more serious than the Constitutional crisis surrounding Watergate."

Nancy Pelosi’s comments reflect the growing pressure of impeachment supporters on all elected officials and the heat from Cindy Sheehan’s courageous campaign to unseat her in the coming November elections. Cindy has made the impeachment of Bush, and Pelosi’s previous refusal to allow impeachment to proceed, a centerpiece of her campaign.