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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Black Soldiers Cleared of Lynching Charges 64 Years Late

The Army and military in general always seems to have to apologize for things decades after the fact.  It makes me as an Army veteran seriously wonder sometimes why the Army is so consistently and historically screwed up?

Why can't they be a little quicker to get to the bottom of things and the truth. 

In this sitimageuation a 28 African American members of the military were improperly prosecuted for lynching an Italian man.  The prosecutor for the military convinced the Judge to withhold information from the Defense that would have and eventually did clear the men.

In a system that lets no bad deed go unrewarded that prosecutor was later named as the special prosecutor in the Nixon Scandals of the seventies where he promptly continued to prove he was not a useful public servant.

The Army didn't stop there of course.  Their screw ups and cover ups from Pat Tillman's killing to Abu Grahib to whatever they are covering up this week are enough to make you doubt their morals and intelligence.  How is covering up wrong doing in the Army protecting the Constitution?

The answer is that it does not protect the Constitution.  After serving in the military, I know that there are hundreds of thousands of extremely smart and capable people, but all to often they get engaged in politics or scandals with no oversight and the result is that the service, the country and many people suffer for years and decades.

We are not talking about a simple screw up on some a car insurance policy, we are talking about imprisonment for crimes never committed, career ending actions, things that can detour a person for the rest of their life and possibly detour entire families.

These are not simple clerical errors, but serious attempts to subvert justice and it is happening today just like it happened 64 years ago.  The Army has not learned this historical lesson yet.