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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Call to Stop Donations to Obama over FISA Back Stabbing

Not Just Words, Real Action that Harms America
For a man that has never really had to look for employment, he is quick to throw away our rights without cause or reason.

I came across Dave Johnson, from's, article titled "Obama's FISA Screw up".  His article basically spins off an article by Dave Winer at Scripting News.  Despite the fact that my first name is not Dave (it's Brett), I'd like to spin off their thoughts as I agree with what they have written thus far (Dave Johnson' first then quoting Dave Winer):

The issue of our Congress giving the big telecom companies immunity from being sued for illegally enabling the Republican Party to listen to our calls and read our emails is a very, very big deal to non-Republicans. Republicans, of course, are happy as clams about it. (They are also happy as clams that America now tortures people.)

I have talked to a number of friends who were major Obama supporters during the primaries, and not one of them is happy today because of Obama's reversal on telecom immunity in FISA. He had pledged, promised, sworn, committed to oppose telecom immunity -- then after securing the nomination reversed himself and voted for it.

So today I'm cruising the internets and come across Dave Winer, another Obama supporter. He articulates my own thoughts well. Obama's FISA screwup (Scripting News),

First, the conservative pundits who say that Obama turned his back on the extreme left by voting for the new FISA bill have it wrong. He turned his back on people of all persuasions who believe in our form of government.

. . . He was right if he assumed he had our vote. I will not vote for McCain to prove this point. But I'm also not going to give him any more money. I'm going to save that for causes I believe in.

I no longer believe there is a cause to Obama other than getting Obama elected. It's up to him now to prove otherwise. The FISA vote can be undone, but he has to actually do the undoing.


So here's how I see it.  Barack Obama is in this for number 1, himself.  He's in it to get elected President for all the wrong reasons despite his ability to articulate good reasons to further his progress.

He obviously doesn't pay attention to anyone's REAL concerns unless there is a significant amount of money involved.  With that in mind, the only way to make him pay attention is to pull financial support from him.


As Dave W. mentions we do not have to give him any more money.  In fact, save it for the ACLU or the EFF, odds are even if Obama is elected, we're going to need them just to protecting the remaining things we call liberties.