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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Veto for the Real Reason?

I was recently commenting that politicians should potentially be given an appetite suppressant before they went to Washington maybe something like, Phentermine or something. I was not truly referring to giving them something to stop their eating habits or reduce their number of lobbyists luncheons or political fundraisers paid by the plate. The veto that can be coming from President Bush is probably one of the stranger vetoes that we've seen in politics in recent years. The bill has a lot of porkbarrel spending and it, but the president is not going to veto it because of porkbarrel spending and the odd thing is that he's publicly stating that. In recent years presidents don't always stand up for the positions they believe in and they usually cite differences in the excessive spending to be found in the bill even when that spending is something they may actually prefer. So it is a strange irony that for this bill the President is likely to veto something for the actual reason he intends to veto it and that he is stating that reason publicly!