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Sunday, April 29, 2007

An Affluenetic Affair

Affluenza is a regular and re-occurring topic on many of my blogs. it is the concept that society is inflicted with a virus like influenza and it targets the affluent. Symptoms of this disease include a propensity to spend money on things you don't really need for occasions when you don't really need them and then to repeat that process over and over and over again until we all live on top of a big landfill.

Sometimes we can blame corporate America for this epidemic but most of the time we have to blame ourselves because I was curious type seemed like a shiny things and we keep buying them and stash them away like pack rats and when we're done with the maybe we throw them away and maybe we don't but we'll was by more. Now were watching the real estate market start to pop and I don't mean pop in a good way I mean pop in a bubble bursting bad way And it's partly due to our perceived need to buy bigger and bigger homes to put all of our affluent junk.

It's time that we rained this and and stop buying stuff for every occasion. We can to start with the little occasions we need to start at the top and knock off Christmas. No more Christmas gifts for anybody. Then we need to move down the list and stop buying gifts for Martin Luther King Day and Valentines Day and stop buying gifts for Mother's Day and Father's Day and even the Fourth of July. We made a neat consider stop graduations and birthdays and first communion gifts.

It is all gone far too far and it's time that we put our country into rehab. You don't put a person in a rehab and give them a smaller amount of heroin, you have to take them off the drugs and let them sweat it out. That's exactly what we need to do as a country, we need to sweat it out for a couple of years and get this sickness out of our system.