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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Is it the Real Estate Market Stupid that will Do Bush In?

The real estate market is now reportedly the worst real estate market we've had an 18 years, which means it's about as bad as it ever was in the early 90s just before the recession. That doesn't mean that it's as bad as it was during the early 80s before trickle-down economics really started to do anything. Trickle-down economics had a significant impact on kick starting the economy over long term. However it wreaked havoc on the savings and loan industry which in turn wreaked havoc on the real estate industry which created such a lousy real estate market at the end of the 80s and the early 90s. That of course led to the famous quote "It's the economy stupid". On today's real estate market you might be able to do a little bit of bargain hunting as the prices start to come down. In the South prices are not coming down and correcting like they are in the Northeast and on the West Coast. For example, beufort nc real estate like many areas of the South have only seen marginal decreases in sales and corrections and prices off of their highs of last year. Another is a country those corrections have been much larger, especially in Florida where houses are barely selling at all.