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Monday, April 09, 2007

Is McCain Spending More to Raise Funds than he is Bringing in?

Over the weekend several reporters and pundits raised the potential ugly specter that John McCain is spending more to raise funds than he is actually bringing funds into his campaign.

John McCain has never been a big public advocate of campaign fund-raising, in fact he became partially famous as a senator for his work to limit campaign fund-raising.  Now he's in a race for president in 2008 and he's trailing Mitt Romney.  He's publicly stated that he is not met his own fund-raising goals for the first quarter, and in fact he has barely placed in the top six of all presidential candidates for fund-raising.

If he actually spent more than he brought in, then his war chest could be in a sorry state.  It is still early in the race and he did a good job of raising funds compared to past political seasons.  However this political season is not going to be anything like past political seasons.

If John McCain wants to make it to the oval office he needs to pull out all the stops.  I'm not saying that he personally has two study up on 101 ways to save a buck or two himself, but his grassroots supporters and his potential donors may want to take a glance that article and figure out a way to push more campaign contributions to John McCain if he's going to stay in the race successfully.

It's possible that he might turn out to be the comeback kid of 2008.  Several years ago he was considered one of the front runners for the Republican nomination, and now that appears to potentially be in trouble.  However Americans do like an underdog and it's possible that he's pacing himself for that role.  The only thing is the Democrats seem to be pacing themselves for an all-out sprint all the way to the elections in 2008.