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Friday, February 09, 2007

Prosecution Rests Libby Case

The prosecution for the Scooter Libby perjury trial rested on Thursday.  Tim Russert was the final witness called by the prosecution and by all accounts he received a grilling commemorative of the grilling that he typically dishes out to his guests.  Mr. Libby's defense lawyer, Theodore Wells Jr, went at it with Russert for a second day on Thursday.  He attempted to pick apart Russert's claim that he never discussed Valerie Plame (Wilson) with Scooter Libby. 

The battle was fast paced and heated as the two veterans of professions that require fast talking, faster thinking and rapid follow ups dueled in the courtroom.  Libby claims that he learned of the Agents identity from newsman Russert.  Russert refutes that claim and states that Valerie Plame (Wilson) never came up during a specific conversation in 2003 that seems to be the focal point of the defense case.

Now, the Defense now gets their turn at the plate and they are expected to begin calling a long line of journalists next Monday.  The case is catching some attention today, but the real fireworks will only be lit if the defense calls Vice President Cheney as a witness. 

Based on the outcome of the case so far, that scenario looks likely.  Politics aside, if that is possible, it is in Libby's best interests to have the Vice President identified as the source of the leak.  Politically this is the last thing he wants.  However, his defense attorneys might not be able to resist calling the Vice President as it would likely seal their own fame and fortune and place in the history books if they are able to show that their client is innocent due to the guilt of the Vice President.  That would be a big if indeed, but given the worlds pention for the peculiar that possibility could be more of a probability.