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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Edwards Campaigns on his Mistakes as a Senator

Former Senator Edwards made a campaign trail stop in new Hampshire on Saturday, where by recent accounts he dropped his own topic de jour, his health plan, in favor of promoting his past mistakes.  He took multiple opportunities to sidetrack his own speech and talk about his mistake in voting for the Iraq War.

Edwards typically takes the high road with his campaign and probably has achieved the most success from his mostly positive attitude when he's not talking about the plight of the down trodden.  Given his track record and the things that have worked for him, it seems to be a slight departure to trumpet his mistakes. 

As he goes into the Presidential campaigning season he's fighting against two other Senators that like himself have very little Senatorial experience compared to the norm on capital hill.  Barack Obama is only recently starting his first term and Senator Clinton is just starting her 2nd as compared to Joseph Biden who is working on his sixth term in the Senate.

Biden and Clinton both have a vote to defend as well in regards to Iraq and Obama has lack of experience to defend so its a little odd to harp on his own mistakes especially as he hopes to replace a President that is infamous for making mistakes.  The last thing Hillary Clinton will do is admit to a mistake.  She learned the poltiical expediency of that from her husband's problems with Monic Lewinsky and apparently George Bush is taking that 101 lesson to the bank as well.

If John Edwards is trying to show the American people that he can be a better President by making mistakes and admitting to those mistakes as opposed to President Bush who makes mistakes and refuse to admit it then Edwards may have a tough battle as most of the other candidates will take an approach that they don't mistakes at all.

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