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Friday, February 09, 2007

Pandagamonium in the Edwards Camp over Blunging Practices

Recent weeks have seen the John Edwards campaign hire two bloggers onto Edward's staff.  They were rapidly attacked in the blogosphere as Edward's antagonists attempted to link the bloggers personal blogging comments to Edwards own position.  The attack was spear headed by the President of the Catholic League Bill Donahue against Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan.

So far Edwards has decided to keep the bloggers on his staff, but has left the potential hanging that he might change his mind in the future and evidence the ability to waffle.   The bloggers made many comments regarding religion and the Catholic Church that inspired the attack.  Some of the comments may have used foul language, which would not be very presidential outside of a Kennedy or Nixon White House, but these are blogger staffers so the hub bub seems to be packed with Huh and not to much b'bub.

One of the blogs bogged in Pandemonium is Pandagon.  The blog is a personal liberal blog and not owned nor controlled by the Edwards campaign, just as any journal of a staffer is not owned by a campaign or the company that employs a person. 

Republican symbol of an elephant wallowing in Mud Donahue himself is no stranger to making controversial comments like his response to Pat Buchanan at the time of the release of the Mel Gibson movie, the Passion of the Christ, where Donahue stated that 'Hollywood is controlled by Secular Jews that hate Christianity and the Catholic Church . . . .  You have got embittered ex-Catholics, including a lot of ex-Catholic priests who hate the Catholic Church, wacko Protestants in the same group. 

Donkey being rescued from mud At the end of the day this is all about blog mud slinging, Blunging.  Blunging is not a new event in the blogosphere, but coming off a 2004 primary where bloggers came into their own, many liberal and now conservative bloggers have their act together and are digging down deep for any bit of Blung to fling, hoping to stick it to candidates on all sides.