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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nursing Shortages Across North America

If you do a google news search on the term Nursing Shortage you will rapidly see that the United States and Canada both have significant issues with nursing shortages.  The reality is that as baby boomers age and as some of those baby boomers retire from nursing, the demand for nursing is rapidly increasing and the supply is simultaneously dwindling.

In any industry or area of employment, where demand goes up so does pay.  Each discipline of nursing pays different and just because Canada is on a socialized medicine platform it doesn't mean that Canada is avoiding the market forces of nursing shortages either.  In the states a nurse can earn upwards of $100,000 per year in some disciplines.

That high salary can definitely pull both new and experienced nurses across the border and it isn't coming close to solving the supply constraint issues.  There are nursing program options popping up left and right to help stem the bleeding in hospitals, clinics, practices and many other areas but it just isn't enough yet.

Some specialties for nursing programs (after a nurse gets their initial training) has even moved from correspondence to online learning.  Some of these programs are entirely online and some include a mix of online learning for 3-4 weeks followed by a week of intensive study on site and then the cycle repeats.

The reality is that if more people do not heed the call to enter the medical profession, gridlock in hospitals and especially emergency rooms is going to increase.  Universal health care is irrelevant to this particular issue in the states as there just are not enough nurses no matter who pays the bill!