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Monday, October 01, 2007

Don’t Mess With Elizabeth

While watching the New Hampshire Democratic debates Wednesday night it occurred to me that Elizabeth Edwards, rather than husband John, would make a better candidate or at least a more interesting one.   It doesn't take a lot of market research to see that not only is Mrs. Edwards willing to “go” at the drop of a hat, but also she speaks on issues without a fear of reprisal. Calling out frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s health care platform and lack of courage along with leadership on the issue is truly a bold step.

Even before her husband announced his candidacy, Elizabeth has defended John from the political attacks of Hillary Clinton, character assaults by Barack Obama and even personal vendettas from repudiated harpy Ann Coulter. The best part about Elizabeth Edwards is that she fights back like June Cleaver, you can’t help but love this woman.

more. . .