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Monday, October 08, 2007

McCain Still Relevant?

Arizona Senator John McCain is looking to kick off his own surge this week with a new ad campaign in New Hampshire. After a lackluster few months of campaigning that has seen lackluster fundraising, general campaign stammering, McCain has found himself somehow gaining ground on the campaigns of both Romney and Giuliani.

Sen. McCain’s television ad campaign will feature footage of a captivity interview of McCain in Hanoi as well as an ad, which will draw on both the insignificant hurricane Katrina response in addition to the congressional scandals of the past several years. The ads feature patriotic titles such as “Live Free” and “One Man”.

His challenge is the aspect of his almost hypocritical stance partnered with the Bush Administration.  You just can't be their critic and biggest supporter at the same time.  You are either for the people that thought torture would be OK or you are not.  No matter how many checks McCain pulls in through cbu mailboxes around the country it doesn't change the fact that this once independent maverick has been turned into a gelding.  Nothing short of pushing for a withdrawal from Iraq will help McCain right now.  (Provided the other Republicans don't get involved in sex or drug scandals and these days that is definitely a possibility.  You know how those Republicans can be . . . )