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Monday, April 07, 2008

Trust is the Major Factor in North Carolina

A recent poll conducted by the Charlotte Observer in North Carolina indicates that Hillary's Bosnia fibs have hurt her significantly.  Trust has turned out to be the major factor for North Carolina residents. 

But the poll also found that four in 10 voters are still undecided. That suggests that the contest could lie in the hands of people such as John Clark, a Charlotte salesman.

"Until either of them can distinguish between their policy positions or electability, I'm probably going to stay on the fence," said Clark, 29.

The poll, based on 803 telephone interviews conducted March 29 to April 1, found that trust is most voters' top consideration. Nearly nine in 10 said it would play a big role in determining their votes.

Only 25 percent of voters gave Clinton high marks for trustworthiness, compared with 54 percent for McCain and 48 percent for Obama. Even Democrats ranked Clinton lower.

Poll: Trustworthiness trumps experience

Flaw in Charlotte Observer Flaw - April Fool's Day Polling Outlier

There is an obvious flaw in the Poll conducted between March 29 and April 1.  The flaw is that the poll was conducted over April Fool's day, a day when we are conditioned to fool each other and break trust.

Seriously, I suspect that the trust issue is going to be substantial for all three candidates nationwide.  Personally, I live in North Carolina.  I do not trust John McCain due to his flip flopping to gain Christian Conservative support.  I do not trust Barack Obama for his dealings with Tony Rezko and his implausible statement about why he stuck with his Pastor.  I definitely do not trust Hillary Clinton either based on her past working for Wal-mart and for both Clinton's fund raising scandals during the nineties.

Americans have to choose a President to fix a very broken country.  We are not talking about computer rental at an internet cafe or choosing a car or even a mortgage rate.  Hillary needs to do some Missouri style politics and exercise her show me skills, showing visitors that she can deliver with concrete examples.  McCain needs to repudiate Christian conservative leaders and Barack Obama needs to start being honest for a change instead of masterfully pandering to the nation.

Call me a skeptic, but I doubt any of the three will do what's needed to actually establish trust among voters.