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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Democrats Get Nasty Wake Up Call during ABC Debate

Democrats are running around scared today after receiving a nasty wake up call during the ABC debate last night.  Their front running candidate, Barack Obama, did very poorly and showed that he is a weak candidate on several levels.

  • He refused to close the deal and push Hillary out last night
  • He stumbled on old issues that he should have practice at dealing with
  • He showed that when not pitched softballs from the press, he's not such a quick thinker
  • He's no match for John McCain when under fire

Things weren't much better for Hillary Clinton and by extension Democrats either.

  • Hillary either had a camera person out to get her or suffered from shifty eye syndrome.   During her responses she couldn't or wouldn't focus on the camera and it hurt the credibility of her responses
  • When the moderators took the discussion into negative territory, she followed along like a hyena and took a pound of flesh herself, which will likely increase her negativity rating
  • Even when Barack was down, she couldn't bring any excitement to the debate.  If Barack is down for the count, there is no charisma left in the Democratic party

Democrats all lined up to attack ABC for the debate in which their candidates floundered but the reality is that THEIR CANDIDATES FLOUNDERED and showed that despite months on the campaign trail they are not quite up for the big time political games that will be taking place in November.  If they want to take the White House, they need to buckle down and get serious.