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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Senate vote against Amending Constitution 49 to 48

Gay-marriage amendment fails in Senate�� The Senate voted today against amending the US Constitution. To kick off an Amendment, the Senate would have had to generate 60 or more votes, before the vote went to the house and then to the 50 states for ratification. The proposed Bush Gay Marriage Ban Amendment was never considered to have the potential of passing. Many have questioned the prioritization of the Bush Administration and the Congress in taking up the vote in lieu of dealing with matters of War in Iraq and Afghanistan, an overheating economy threatened by high Oil Prices and inflation, Terrorism resurging in Canada and the UK, Islamists seizing control of Mogadishu, Oil Rig hostages, Border issues, and Natural disaster preparedness. For an editorial review of the issue see the following articles at Gridlock On Rye Is Lou Dobbs Reading My Blog? Senator Saxby Chambliss' Response to my Letter Bush Rallies Support For Democrats in 2006