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Friday, September 19, 2008

Keeping With The Theme

Keeping with the theme of economics this week, the Dow Jones Industrial's rallied again today to finish down a mere 100 or so points for the week. This week has been the strangest week in regards to the markets that I have ever seen. 
Lets recap:
Monday the 15th, stocks plunged over 500 points in the worst day of trading since the Sept. 11th attacks in 2001. The massacre, due to the crisis at Lehman Brothers and the short sale of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America. 
Tuesday the 16th, the markets rebounded approximately 140 points as the fed announced that it may lower interest rates once again to help stabilize the economy. Although rates were not lowered, the fed and treasury assured consumers that they would have something in the works to help stave off recession (that we are already in).
Wednesday the 17th, stocks take another dive down an additional 450 points on the news that AIG was facing a Lehman Brothers-esque crisis. The blood o the trading floor apparently got quite deep and both presidential candidates pounced on the issue for clearly partisan reasons. Disgusting how both McCain and Obama are acting like little children instead of offering a solution that goes beyond finger pointing.
Thursday the 18th, traders were gaining back their sanity based upon the near $65 billion dollars of aid delivered via the American taxpayer through another Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury and Presidential brainstorm session. The session may be to the tune of $1 trillion by weeks end. Where was Congress during all of this? Personally, I think they were off sipping fine wine and eating cheese.
Friday the 19th, Stocks rebounded nearly 400 points to break close to even for the weekend. Who knows where it will go Monday, but at least for now America can sleep soundly.
Seriously, what a bizarre week. I guess the days of living the cheap, care free and easy life is over for most anyone who had not diversified their portfolio with precious metals and t-bills. Who would have known that both stocks and bonds would take this colossal hit in such a short time. I guess the check-out lines at Wal-Mart will be a bit longer as folks head towards the discounts and away from the more expensive and possibly better quality products in order to save money. 
I have to wonder what this will look like for organic farmers and their industries as well as other health conscious supplement providers like EAS, orovo and the like? It ought to be interesting to see not only what goes down at the start of next week, but also where these industries wind up.
I don't know about all of you, but I'd be interested in hearing from Congress about this enormous redirection of taxpayer money. Where is our representation in all of this. Granted, the economy effects us all, but doesn't this feel like some type of financial shotgun wedding?