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Friday, March 14, 2008

Following the Other Obama Scandal - Rezko Money on Cover of Chicago Tribune

Barack Obama is having a bad bad week this week.  He's having to fire his pastor for preaching to God to 'Damn America' and making comments that Hillary Clinton is not fit for office since she is not an African American man like Barack Obama (except Barack's Pastor used a word that is not fit to publish). 


Barack definitely walked away with egg on his face over the bigoted words of his own campaign pastor, but when we follow the money Barack Obama may have even bigger problems as the Chicago Tribune breaks news about the real size of Tony Rezko's contributions to Barack Obama over the years.

Rezko raised over $250,000 for Obama.

Obama was quick to admit that his own judgement failed to detect a potential conflict of interest with Rezko.

In politics, career politicians often times will work to apologize for their lapses in judgement and within 24 hours several of Barack's have come to light now, but the problem for Barack is that his track record for 'judgement' is all that he has on his resume.

Barack Obama has no record of results, he has no record of achievements.  All he had to hang his hat on was the judgement to be against the Iraq resolution before he was in a position to even vote on it. 

So when we now learn that Barack Obama's actual decisions, and results and judgements resulted in choosing a bigoted pastor and partnering with a man that raise over $250,000 before being indicted in Chicago, we start to see just another career politician that not only has no judgement but has no record of success and in fact seems to surround himself with flawed individuals when it comes to fund raising and flawed individuals when it comes to spiritual advisors.

That leaves us with the question, just what exactly has Barack Obama done well? 

At this point, I'd doubt that he even had the ability to save a lot of money on his car insurance.