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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bush Pushes Houses to Strip Your Civil Liberties After Senate Caves In

Yesterday, it was extremely upsetting to learn that the Senate had voted to send Americans Civil Liberties down the river at the request of the President.  We cannot just blame Republicans and President George W Bush for all of the terrible fiascos of the last 8 years.  Yes, they definitely are responsible for some of the worst items, but the Democrats have been terrible as well as evidenced by the Democrat Controlled Senate Passage of the FISA bill yesterday. 

Democrats in 2006 were given the assignment to uphold the Constitution, and fix some of the things broken by Republicans.  Instead Democrats in the Senate have proved to be almost the same as the Republicans in the Senate and that includes McCain, Clinton and Obama.

Now, I do not want to dissuade you from acting based on the enormity of having a President and Congress working actively against the American people, so first a little humor to put it in context.


Feel Better?  Have a smile on your face at least?


OK now go contact your Congress Person!  Lets put this stupid bill in the festool and let it cook until its charred.

Source Forget About the Election - The Senate Just Voted to Strip Your Civil Liberties for 6 Years!