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Monday, December 17, 2007

Castro Reduces Power Struggle Gridlock and Steps Aside

fidel-castro-stepping-down Fidel Castro has announced that he will not return to power, making his temporary step down permanent.  It is unclear if his brother will continue to rule Cuba or if there will be some change in the future.

"My elemental duty is not to hold on to positions and less to obstruct the path of younger people," the 80-year-old Castro said in a letter read on Cuban television. ~ Reuters

Castro took power during what was supposed to be a communist revolution.  It rapidly became apparent to any doubters that it was just another revolution by a dictator.

Once Castro finally passes away, it will be up to Cuba to determine just what type of country and government they really have and what they will really do.

The country of Cuba has and has always had a great deal of potential, but that potential has been on hold for the last 40+ years.  The country needs to determine if they are finally going to enter the world economy, which at a world stage functions in a capitalistic capacity or if they will continue to remain mostly isolated selling cigars, oil and cat furniture.