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Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Roads Must Roll with Mexican Semis says Courts

Soylent Green Russian Vending Machine The ninth circuit court of appeals denied a last ditch effort by several groups working together against Mexican trucking firms moving across the border into the United States.

Groups including the Teamsters led by Jim Hoffa (Junior) and the Sierra Club and others fought to prevent Mexican trucks from rolling on US roads and they failed.  Under the NAFTA agreement the trucks will finally come across the border despite cries from many groups about public safety and American jobs.

All of this comes under the back drop of broken borders, broken homeland security and poisoned food shipments and recalls from China.  Fortunately, for all Americans the courts and the politicians know when to remove the gridlock. 

Forty Years Ago, A new beef alternative  Soy OIL (meat) Nutritional Treatments as opposed to Nutritional Supplements.  It is rumored to come in a green can and cost half as much as beef, with a taste that is about the same.  Some are referring to it as something called SOILENT Green.  The new product will be shipped out of Mexico and should reduce the number of over weight Americans directly while helping to put other Americans on a leaner diet. 

Mexico trucks to roll on U.S. highways | Politics | Reuters